Instaraise Announces Early Samurai Ambassador Program

Early Samurai Ambassador Program

Instaraise is introducing its Early Samurai Ambassador program. Open for everyone, the program encourages crypto enthusiasts as well as dedicated crypto community members to join the Instaraise clan and play an essential part in its long-term growth.

In return for their faith and loyalty, the Early Samurais will be bestowed with various exclusive benefits and privileges.

Instaraise is championing the cause of decentralized finance by introducing some of the much-needed tools to usher true interoperability in DeFi space.

By supporting token pools and auctions, the protocol enables a variety of blockchain projects to raise much-needed capital in a decentralized and interoperable environment.

What Are Early Samurais?

 Samurais were an honorable creed with noble lineage known to stand by their belief while displaying unflinching loyalty. Instaraise is looking for people with similar qualities to be its flag bearers through its Early Samurai Ambassador Program.

The Early Samurais will be Instaraise’s prized community members who believe in its mission and support the platform from early on. They will be instrumental in expanding the project’s reach and ensuring long-term growth through active participation. In exchange for their faith and contributions, they will receive exclusive privileges and rewards.

Who Can Become an Early Samurai?

Unlike the samurais of the olden days, one does not have to be born of noble blood to become an Early Samurai. Anyone passionate about cryptocurrencies and those who wish to be long-term supporters of Instaraise can apply for the position.

It is also open for those wanting to join Instaraise before the rest of the world and specialists like writers, influencers, graphic designers, artists, etc.

Privileges Extended to Early Samurais

Instaraise loves and respects its Early Samurais. As a symbol of good faith and affection, the platform will offer them various special privileges that include

– Exclusive opportunity to participate in the Instaraise private round

– Recognition as the early and long-term supporter of the project

– Opportunity to work with the core team on the project’s development

– $INSTA token rewards that qualify them for participation in upcoming IDOs listed on the Instaraise platform

Filling a Form is All it Takes

To become part of the Early Samurai clan, just fill this form

Fill all the relevant details and submit.

The received entries will be screened and those displaying the qualities of a samurai will get an invitation to join the Instaraise Early Samurai clan to become the project’s ambassador.

Once selected, the Early Samurais will have to complete their KYC which confirms their participation in the program and their eligibility to participate in the exclusive Instaraise private round.

To learn more about Instaraise visit the Instaraise Website and the Instaraise docs (

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1. Rewards are complimentary and will be performance based to honor extraordinary support

2. Filling application doesn’t guarantee your selection for ambassador program