Equisafe Partners With French Law Firm Inlo

Equisafe and Inlo Partnership

Inlo can now setup an STO issuance for their clients on EquiSafe in a few clicks. Masteos, a company that offers turnkey rental investment advice, is the first client to benefit from the combined services after the Inlo-Equisafe partnership. Masteos did a private STO which raised 1.1 million Euro.

The Inlo partnership entails more than direct STO issuances. Equisafe is more than an investment platform, and also functions as a management platform. It offers services that improve the efficiency of backend processes by digitalization. We have seen Equisafe working with Koytcha in this field earlier this year. You can think of the digitalization of processes like governance of assets through on-chain voting and simplifying and reducing legal processes and legal costs while fully complying with regulations.

More examples: facilitating automated registration of transactions of securities in compliance with legislation. Automating and enforcing certain (legal) business rules, like real-time verification of (pre-set KYC/AML) investor profiles to speed up compliance checks and to verify the permissibility of transactions.

All the processes are registered in a transparent manner, on-chain. While simultaneously only accessible through the Equisafe platform, which links and checks the hashed and timestamped information from the blockchain to the information in their own database. This information can then be securely displayed to customers with the right clearance.

Automated or accelerated processes, safe time for law firms like Inlo. You might think it would not be in the best interest of a law firm to automate processes that are part of their business model and traditionally make them money. But it simply enables them to provide better, faster and cheaper services without compromising the quality of these services. Any law firm that works with their client’s interest in mind, will eventually consider digitalizing certain processes. It will draw new clients to the law firms that offer these services. And with Equisafe, they can.

“Built on Tezos, our platform does not distantiate itself from any intermediary: on the contrary, it offers them the possibility of distantiating themselves from their tedious tasks by providing collaborative tools where lawyers, notaries, and expert accountants can participate efficiently in a specific workflow.”

NyX Standard on Tezos

The NyX Standard makes all this possible. In cooperation with Nomadic Labs and OCTO Technology, Equisafe has developed a set of smart contracts that can be used to launch, store and trade Security Token Offerings (STO’s) in full compliance with regulations. The NyX Standard has a lot more to offer than standards like ERC20 or ERC1404 tokens. Tokens that are launched on the NyX Standard can be fully customized to fulfill and enforce specific rules and regulations that apply in any region around the world.

This enables any part of the real-world security asset market to be digitalized (tokenized). When tokenized, costs are cut drastically. Third parties become superfluous, recurring processes can be performed in seconds and fully automated, etc. The possibilities are revolutionary: Blockchain technology allows time-stamped automation required to handle e-voting & general meetings, capitalization table management, pre-programmed rights and automates a certain number of business rules.

It can also allow KYC and anonymized digital on-chain identities, including real-time verification of investor profiles that speed up compliance checks to verify the permissibility of transactions of securities, AML, and time-restricted KYC according to European law. Other use-cases are on-chain company registration, evaluation of buyer permittance, max cap, materialization of securities registers (shares, funds, and bonds), the conservation of the titles directly on the blockchain, and anonymized databases accessible for issuers of financial instruments and regulators.

The rules that need to be enforced by the smart contract will be set up in collaboration with Law Firms like Inlo, which is obviously specialized in regulations that apply to their client’s ventures.

“Everything EquiSafe does involves the NyX standard” – Bilal El Alamy CEO of Equisafe


Inlo is a law firm specializing in business law (corporate law, tax law, IP / IT and employment law). Founded in 2018, by lawyers from recognized firms, INLO supports entrepreneurs and managers at each stage of the development of their company as well as on a personal basis.