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Bazaar Marketplace: A New Tezos-Based NFT Platform Which Allows Users To Offset Emissions

Bazaar Marketplace

Energy consumption on Tezos is already minimal, so why not make the final leap and compensate to zero. Bazaar Marketplace is working on a custom token that will be used to pay a calculated amount to compensate CO2 emission through organizations like Cloverly.

Distribution of these payments will be done automatically through decentralized smart contracts straight to the offset organizations.

How Bazaar Marketplace deals with undesirable behavior

All NFT marketplaces need to address plagiarism and undesirable behavior. At the same time, some marketplaces will want to guarantee a certain level of quality.

These marketplaces are quite selective in the artists they allow to offer their art. Other marketplaces will want to allow any artist to offer their art, without judging them and impose a personal level of taste in art.

Most importantly, plagiarism is an issue that marketplaces have to deal with and Bazaar Marketplace tries to find a middle ground on this topic.

Anyone will be able to mint on Bazaar Marketplace, but creators can opt in to be verified. Doing so, they can add their verified Twitter account and other social media platforms to their Bazaar account. This way collectors can see if NFT’s are offered by verified artists. This increases trust in the NFT’s that are for sale.

At the same time, the verification process is quite simple and does not require the artist to be approved depending on the subjective taste of a central/semi-central entity that approves applications. This way it does not exclude artists.

The verification simply means that the qualified artists have proven to be the artist they claim to be. Additionally, artists who misbehave can lose their qualification as verified artist. So undesirable behavior like plagiarism, buying your own art, bidding on your own auctions etc can be punished.

Verification is optional though. So anyone can offer NFT’s on Bazaar Marketplace. Collectors will determine for themselves if they want to buy NFT’s that are sold by unverified users.

User friendly functions

For both selling NFT’s and buying NFT’s several features are integrated in Bazaar Marketplace to enable a smooth and simple user experience.

For the selling side, this means that NFT’s can be sold for a fixed price, or through an auction feature.

There will be special focus on features like NFT categories to enable collectors to make a pre-selection, while browsing other NFTS’s. There will also be an advanced search type function, so users will be able to narrow-down to the type of NFT they desire when using the platform.

“When launch”

A pre-Beta with a proof of concept should be up within weeks. V1 launch date is hopefully April – May.